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Direct to Consumer Brand Discovery

  Online Marketing Whitepaper

Online Marketing Whitepaper


The Imperfect World of Quantifying Website Traffic

Online Advertising Lingo

Necessities for Every Company with a Website

Paid Advertising

Leveraging the True Power of the Internet

Bootstrap Marketing Online


A Dated Introduction to Online Marketing*

*Note: This is the original version of a whitepaper that was authored in 2001 by iCondotta's founder and principal consultant, Stephan Aarstol. It's a useful primer, but dated - pre-Wikipedia (2001), pre-Google AdWords PPC (2002), way pre-YouTube (2005), you get the picture...

Spam or Spam-Email

Spam is simply unsolicited email. It’s no mystery that email has made mass communication extremely cost efficient. For direct marketers, email has been kind of like the golden goose. All of the sudden, it was cheap and easy for a marketer to blast a message to a rented list of emails. Unfortunately, it was just as cheap and easy for everyone else, so we experienced a classic tragedy of the commons. It didn’t take email users long to grow tired of sorting through a bunch of spam-emails to find their important emails. The result is that email users have developed a very low tolerance for, and sometimes even a hostile disposition towards, unsolicited email. Ironically, people tend to have a much higher tolerance for junk mail, a much more environmentally offensive direct marketing practice, than spam. In any event, it’s wise to be sensitive to the negative branding effects that can accompany unsolicited direct email campaigns.

>> Email Newsletter Sponsorships

Authored in 2001 by Stephan Aarstol
while Director of Business Development