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  Online Marketing Whitepaper

Online Marketing Whitepaper


The Imperfect World of Quantifying Website Traffic

Online Advertising Lingo

Necessities for Every Company with a Website

Paid Advertising

Leveraging the True Power of the Internet

Bootstrap Marketing Online


A Dated Introduction to Online Marketing*

*Note: This is the original version of a whitepaper that was authored in 2001 by iCondotta's founder and principal consultant, Stephan Aarstol. It's a useful primer, but dated - pre-Wikipedia (2001), pre-Google AdWords PPC (2002), way pre-YouTube (2005), you get the picture...

CPM (Cost per 1000 Impressions)

CPM is the industry standard ad pricing model whereby the advertiser is charged a flat-rate cost per one thousand impressions, or page views, of an advertisement placement on a particular website. For example, at a $30 CPM rate, it would cost $1500 to purchase a 50,000-impression placement. In general, the more targeted a website’s audience, the higher CPM rate they charge. CPM rates are all over the board, from less than a $2 CPM on broad, unfocused websites, to more than a couple hundred dollar CPM on focused web sites or further targeted sub-sections of sites. Keep in mind that on many web properties, a good portion of available website impressions go left unsold, so openness to negotiations based on volume are commonplace.

>> CPA (Cost per Action)

Authored in 2001 by Stephan Aarstol
while Director of Business Development